Upland Hunting Memberships
Membership at Wern Valley comes with many benefits! Memberships are run on a yearly basis, from June 1 to May 31 of the following year. Starting in June until the end of September, members are encouraged to run and train their dogs in the Club’s fields. Sign-in is required on the logbook outside the front door of the lodge. Training birds (hen pheasants and chukar) are available from late August until the end of September. You may also fish on one of our four fun fishing ponds- one is stocked with trout and on the others you can catch some pretty big bass!
No fishing license is required.
After October 1 you may release your account birds as you wish, staying at or above the minimum release. We offer several “specials” throughout the season and members may choose to purchase the birds at the special price and save their account birds for later. The price can vary depending on time of year and the bird availability.

Additional Perks
Members are also able to rent the lodge for private parties and business functions. Hunting and sporting clays are also available for private party use upon reservation. Prices and information are available on request.
We accommodate requests for any style hunt you may want and offer full-time personalized service. There is no charge for bringing guests or for extra birds harvested above release. Scratch hunting is allowed per club rules. Dog washing and bird cleaning areas are available at no charge as well as locker space on a limited basis. If you wish, we will exchange your birds for pre-cleaned, skinned whole frozen birds for $3.50 per bird or frozen breast packs for $7.00. We also sell other food items such as pheasant pot pies, smoked pheasants, pheasant snack sticks, pheasant Italians and pheasant chili for an additional charge. On-the-spot account status, gun repairs, loaner guns, game vests as well as numerous other hunter and shooter amenities are also available.
All membership packages include above amenities. All prices include tax unless noted otherwise.

Additional Rates
Black Pheasant: $Market Price plus tax
Ringneck Pheasant: $Market Price plus tax
Chukar/Hungarian Partridge: $Market Price plus tax
Dog & Handler: $100 per half day hunt (+gratuity)
Tower Shoot: $220 per gun
Guests: No additional charge
Prices are subject to change